It is planned to publish the peer reviewed and selected papers of 5th IDEA-2k24(28-29 June 2024, Bhopal) by Springer in their prestigious “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering” series ( For detailed instructions for author and editors of conference proceedings, kindly visit the following link: Selected papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume. Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published. Springer Nature does not charge any money for publication of Non-Open Access content. Abstracts/extended abstracts and short papers (less than 4 pages) are not considered for publication


    - Prospective Organizers are invited to submit proposals for Special Sessions at IDEA 2024. Each proposal for special session should include the following information:

    - Title of the special session

    - Rationale of the need and objective of the session (300 words)

    - Subject areas to be covered by the special session

    - Short biography of the proposed session chair (s) - Maximum 200 words

    - A maximum of Two Organizers per Special Session are allowed.

    - Special session organizer, affiliation and e-mail ID

    - Each Special Session will be two-three hours long and will usually consist of 5-9 oral presentations.

    - Special Sessions will be intermixed with regular sessions during the conference.

    - If the number of accepted papers in a Special Session is below the required numbers of papers, the program committee will work with the organizers to move other closely-related accepted submissions from the general submission pool to the Special Session.

    - Proposal should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than March 05, 2024.

    - Please submit your Special Session Proposal at

    *** Each author invited to a Special Session will be required to submit a paper, under the regular submission requirements, by the regular submission deadline.

    *** These papers will enter the Easychair system as regular papers. Papers submitted for a special session will be reviewed exactly in the same manner as that for the regular papers.

    *** The Session Organizer will select the reviewers and manage the review process in consultation with the program committee and will make accept/reject decisions.

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